Superior Quality Professional Tax Services
      Compliance and Controversy

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The breadth of tax compliance skills needed to meet today’s tax statute and regulatory requirements can challenge even the most experienced tax professional and strain a company’s valuable resources.

The question that each company must answer is how much of the tax function to out-source or in-source? Out-sourcing can be costly and developing and retaining valuable company specific knowledge, “History” required to make and evaluate key business and tax decisions at the right level requires a committed partnership and people who remain with your services provider.

Bringing the tax function or certain aspects in house can be cost effective with the right resources; however, balancing costs with professional experience and skills creates its own challenges especially in a small tax department. Achieving a balance between these two solutions is generally the preferred answer.

We have both significant external professional consulting and internal tax management experience. Let us help you determine the best fit for your company and implement a cost-effective solution with:

             •Business Tax Compliance
             •Federal Tax
             •State Tax
             •Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)
             •Change in Ownership - Section 382
             •Transfer Pricing Documentation - Section 482

Tax Controversy Services
             •Examination Management and Support
             •Administrative Appeals
             •Alternate Dispute Resolution
             •Judicial Dispute Resolution

Financial Accounting for Income Taxes

Advisory and Consulting Services

Mergers, Acquisitions, and Restructurings


For more information, contact us today.